Usage instructions

Getting started

  1. Launch the product via 1-Click

  2. Use a web browser to access the Hawtio console at: http://[ec2-ip]:8181/hawtio, where [ec2_ip] is the public ip provided by Amazon for your instance.

  3. Log in using the following credentials:

    • Username: karaf or smx

    • Password: the instance_id of the instance

You can also access your instance via SSH using the username and your Amazon private key.
The username depends on the operative system:
  - Centos 9 Stream: 'ec2-user'
  - Other Centos: 'centos'
  - Ubuntu: 'ubuntu'
  - Rocky Linux: 'rocky'

Installation details

  • To change the default username and password, edit the $KARAF_HOME/etc/ and $KARAF_HOME/etc/ files.
  • ServiceMix server is installed in /usr/java/apache-servicemix-[version] directory, which is linked to /usr/java/apache-servicemix.
  • Server service is configured with systemd.

View status server:

[centos@ip-172-31-9-232 etc]$ sudo systemctl status karaf

Stop server:

[centos@ip-172-31-9-232 etc]$ sudo systemctl stop karaf

Start server:

[centos@ip-172-31-9-232 etc]$ sudo systemctl start karaf

Additional resources

Following resources will help you with your first steps using Apache ServiceMix:

Attached Files